Friday, December 01, 2006

A New Annex?

Not sure if we can invite Stephen into The Annex, unless someone has admin. privileges. I sure as hell don't.


Blogger Pat said...

I know who probably does and it ain't me.

I'm ok with it (a new one), although I'm also ok with just doing it on our own respective blogs.

4:37 PM  
Blogger Stephen Cummings said...

Well, either way. It may be easier to just post to respective blogs. I'm assuming the Annex was started to keep general musical musings separate from the focus of the Co-op.

4:52 PM  
Blogger Pat said...

You are correct sir.

It does 'potentially' provide a means for MT the Blogless to post, but he never did, and so far as I recall, he never even commented.

Like most of these things it devolved into communication method 27 for Dan and I.

I really think keeping it on our own blogs is effective enough, unless through some miracle we're really gonna get yacking about music.

4:55 PM  

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