Skip Dec.???
Just a thought. Theoretically, we would be getting Cory's next collection just a few days into Dec., which gives us about a week and a half to receive and do commentary on Gibbs' collection.
Rather than loop ourselves, should we just stick a dead month in there to get back on track and have Cory send his shit out in Jan?
I'm cool with that since it'll probably BE December before we get MT's shit.
An ass kickin' may be in order.
Was there a rule as to WHEN in your month you had to send out the CD? Hee Hee watch me pee pee.
I hope that you receive it Tuesday. Cory got it, I imagine Dan will get it today or Tuesday. I hope.
Seeing is believing.
I say screw that. I have been working hard on mine. I don't want January again. Why should I be put on the back burner because of Indiana Pat's malfunction? Plus, why should Steve wait another month to get going?
We have a narrow window, what with the next holiday fast approaching.
For Clog and Tom who only have to review 1 album in that time, it may not seem a big deal, but shit - we're still one review short of last month (novel-writing crazy man he may be).
Clog can send his out in December if he wishes - but I think we shouldn't expect all the reviews to be done until some time in January.
And Clog's going to be off the radar for a couple of weeks at Christmas time as it is, as he returns to the dark ages for break.
So, to recap. Bring 'em on! Bring 'em all on. Maybe I'll send one out too. Comments will happen when they happen regardless of when things are sent, so it hardly matters.
Thaks a lot Gibbs!!!! I spent two hours last night getting my album covers all made up. A Christmas album in January is crappy don't you think? If you are not ready to send one out at the beginning of the month, then you should forfit your month.
Send 'em out bitch!
MT's 'll get reviewed when they get reviewed.
I will send yours out inside the belly of one of the wisemen lawn ornaments. :)
I got MT's disc, just to let you know. And, my review will finally be posted this afternoon. Ah, sick days.
It feels good to play the Dan card.
Do we need a rule about mailing out during the first of the month for future albums, or can we have honor as we respect the person following us? Yes an honor comment coming from one who at times bends the definition of honor during sports. Deal with it my friends.
Thanks to Methuen for being so flexible in taking on two cd's at once. If I don't get comments until January then so be it.
Ok so I am talking to Cory right now, at 8:06, he is calling in "fear of getting kicked out" - his quote...he is now laughing like a little girl, and now, as you can guess he is coughing like an old man, and now he is silently wiping his ass.
Funny man!
Cory is still going, it is now 8:10 eastern time. He wants my head and he is coming down to get it this weekend. I'll have to listen to his bitchin' the whole time.
What is most interesting - is he spends more time worrying about his Christmas disc than he does reading comments.
Funny man!
Now he is nearly dead from coughing, with eruptions of laughter...this man, T-Clog is CRAZY!!!
Oh boy here he goes, accusing us all of always diverting ass-kickings somehow and always to the clogger and away from everybody else. "my way of protecting my friends" quote from T-CLog.
8:13 eastern time....the assualt continues - worse, perhaps then a telemarketer
now he is speaking of love and weather
The phone conversation has ended, he was conflicted, his words at once suggested supplication and some form of revenge that he cannot resist. The time 8:26 Eastern time.
In the end he is generally a good man and I do not fear him, but for a little and on most days.
Disc in hand and spinning.
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