Volume 6 Comments by T-clog
First I want to say that Miles should get an ass kicking since I have comments on his album before he has comments on mine. :)
"What a wonderful album!" -- T-clog
Everything on this album is new to me, and it really gives me a lot of joy each time I listen to this collection. I have heard of Elvis Costello before, but I have not heard Alison. I also recognize Bob Dylan, but I have never stopped to listen to him before. The White Stripes is a band Mixdorf introduced to me via his CMC debut.
Soul Meets Body - Death Cab For Cutie: I love the bopbopbop da ba bop vocals at about the 1:11 mark. The melody carries this song with me more than the lyrics. "The melody softly soaring through my atmosphere" is exactly what this song does for me. It is a pleasant fragrance that drifts past my ears. Soul Meets Body is a song that makes me feel good. I really like it and I am interested in hearing more from them.
So Beautiful - David Poe: This song is one of those songs that make you forget your own troubles. Even if it is for a few minutes, it is a good and easy song to listen to. "I'm so sorry!" is a lyric that I can relate with. How many times have I sat and asked myself why did something stupid? How many times have I whispered a quite little "Im so sorry?"
I Burn Today -Frank Black: What a great voice! The stricken bars make a great sound. A simple beat with some great musical aspects makes for a unique and enjoyable song. That is my opinion anyway. The piano is another aspect that married this song very nicely with the vocals. Just a good vibe all the way through this song. So far so good Miles.
D'Artagan's Theme - Citizen Cope: I have a hard time pronouncing this title, but that does not mean that I don't enjoy the song. The best part of this song for me is the helicopter at the end. What I mean by that is the helicopter sound effect sounds close and is recorded clear and with high quality. It makes me think that I am in some type of war zone and it focuses why the chopper is coming at me.
Glory Box - Portishead: I love the vinal sound to this track. Very old school sounding in so many ways. This song displays some good electric guitar playing. Almost considered a solo, but other instruments are still playing. The electric guitar is an instrument that I have not fully embraced until the last year or two. My attention is attracted to the electric guitar nad when they make that whine or ghostly sound it sends chills up and down my back. Almost as if there were tiny olympians snowboarding on my spine.
Alison - Elvis Costello: I remember Veronica as being a big hit for Elvis, but anything else by him has been elusive to me. So glad to hear him again. He has a great voice and I think that I would be inclined to purchase one of his cd's. Do you have one that you could recommend? This song reminds me of the town of Alison, Iowa. My old scout troop would always stop at the Tasty Freeze in Alison to have an ice cream treat. We went through alison on our way to and from campouts at W.S.R. (Winnebago Scout Reservation). Great song Miles! Could be a canidate for best song on the album.
Boots of Spanish Leather - Bob Dylan: His voice is very unique that is for sure. It is a simple song that triggers memories of Philmont. I heard a lot of good songs with nothing more than a guitar and the human voice. At times, I want nothing more than that. I can really appreciate the sound and the memories that get stired up when i hear this tune. The lyrics are not bad, and I like the idea that he is off somewhere and he doesn't know when he is coming back again. great pick Miles!
Time Has Told Me - Nick Drake: Not much to say on this song. I accept it as an alright song, but nothing about it really captures my attention. It all sounds a bit average for a guy in a bar opening for 44. I am looling past it and longing to hear the treasure that follows. The next song is sandwiched between two okay songs. Yes that is a preview into the tenth song. Glad to have Ben Folds following and breaking up 8 and 10. Nick needs to spice it up a little. I should stop there. I don't know anything else that he sings and it would not be fair of me to break him down. For all I know, he could have a lot of good songs that I would like. They are obviously not on this album.
The Luckiest - Ben Folds: Not sure what you call it, but his voice is higher and a breath of fresh air. Does he sing in a fallsetto? It could be that he is between tenor and saprano? Whatever it is I really like the sound of it. i enjoy good bass as the next guy, but I can really dig the other end of the spectrum too. This is just a damn good song! I am marking it as my favorite on the album. Do you have other recommondations for Ben Folds tunes? Sounds like a guy I can get into, and I don't mean in a Brokeback Mountain kind of way either.
The Nurse - The White Stripes: I enjoyed Seven Nation Army on Mixdorf's album, but this song did not do much for me. Not a good song and not a bad song. It did a good job of filling the 10 spot on the album.
Dart tan yun.
Thanks Mixapedia Brown. I was not all that serious, but thanks anyway.
I read a couple of them, but I don't remember much about them.
Loved them.
Still remember one that he solved because a hose had been laying in the sun all day, but the water that came out was cold.
What about the ass kicking? I will not let it get lost in rhetoric. :)
Cory, of course, LOVES Encyclopedia BROWN!
Who's that blogging ass? Mighty Tom might become Mighty Tomb if he isn't cool.
Falsetto (also called "head voice" by your junior high music teacher) does not really fit into the scale of baritone, bass, tenor, alto, soprano, but refers to a vocal technicque whereby you don't use your "real" singing voice, opting to use that wild voice that is way higher in pitch and initiates far back towards the throat and near the roof of the mouth. Think anyone in Monty Python pretending to be a woman.
Ben Folds, here, sang in a high tenor.
Clog, as I did for Aaron in the Annex, I recommend "Almost Blue," Costello's WONDERFUL tribute to classic country.
Read my share of Encyclopedia Brown, as well. I remember the case where he pointed out a fake anique sword noting that it could not have been inscribed with "First Battle of Bull Run," if they weren't aware at the time there'd be a second.
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