Thursday, February 09, 2006

Anyone get their copy yet?


Blogger Pat said...


I'm luxuriating in it as we speak.


4:23 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

I think we've determined, over the past number of months, that the USPS hates the "overland route." They really delay setting out on it as long as possible.

5:02 PM  
Blogger C.F. Bear said...

Wow! Mixdorf got his first. Mixdorf, you sir are now on the clock to get your second done and mailed sometime in March. CMC has now gone full circle or will once we get Mixdorf's second installmenat. Oh, Mixdorf, I might make you an album that plays Mr. Reboto back to back ten or more times. Becareful not to kick down a CMC members possible song, or you might get it on an album just out of spite. :)

5:10 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

Gibbsy's out there sweating tonight cause the cover is blown on his Songs About Robots future volume. Could potentially be not all that bad. It would almost certainly include "A Friend is a Friend" and almost certainly something by Buckner & Garcia.

5:30 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

Gibbsy's out there sweating tonight cause the cover is blown on his Songs About Robots future volume. Could potentially be not all that bad. It would almost certainly include "A Friend is a Friend" and almost certainly something by Buckner & Garcia.

5:31 PM  
Blogger Mighty Tom said...

Ah - a good ole fashioned night of Buckner and Garcia might be just what the doc ordered tonight. My little yellow friend...

and one more time for Danny...

Ah - a good ole fashioned night of Buckner and Garcia might be just what the doc ordered tonight. My little yellow friend...

3:38 PM  
Blogger C.F. Bear said...

That would be awesome to hear. I love Pac-man! I hold the highest score at a Mexican resturant in Minneapolis. It was actually Mrs. Pac-man, but who's being picky?

4:52 PM  
Blogger Pat said...

As the man 'whose father had the solution book to Ms Pac Man, it should come as no surprise."

8:17 AM  

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