The King Will Have My Head!
Volume 14: King George (Mighty Tom, November/December, 2006)
when giving an overall grade to each song, I use this rubric: Best song EVER! = 10, Loved it = 9, Liked it = 8, Not bad = 7, Could take it or leave it = 6, Uninspiring / boring = 5, Didn't like it = 4, Hated it = 3, Worst Song EVER! = 2, You're an idiot for putting this on a CD = 1.
Number of new songs to me on this album. King George
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. How this song rates on the T-clog scale of likeability. Rocking Chair in Hawaii
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. This is a song that has many great parts. I enjoyed some great lines, instruments, and musical components in this song. The appearence of Hawaiian instruments are clear and refreshing. While in Hawaii, why not dabble in the pineapple?
The beginning of the song is very blues like. I don't picture too many New Orlean's blues artists sipping out of a pineapple in a smokey bar. I thought that it was a cool start to the song.
This song paints a relaxing picture in my mind and I can totally see George sitting there next to the river in his rocking chair. My favorite line is when he tells you that "if you love a woman then don't be shy." Man, forget the games, just ask, date, and love. The line is great, but at the same time it is a kick in my pants. It is a kick in the pants because I was shy and missed many girl opportunities while in college. The vail of ignorace is heavy and difficult to remove. Many things really are more simple than we make them out to be. George knows a lot, and one could learn a lot from listening to his music.
2. How this song rates on the T-clog scale of likeability. Skiing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2. Kick ass jam! Love the guitar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I totaly dig this tune in it's entirety, but I don't know how much sitar I could listen to before I stop listening. I know that the Beatles had been influenced by their visits to India and they have done a number of songs that have the sitar in them, but it is generally a music appreciation that I have not yet developed. The Indian influence might have been more impacted upon George and John, but I am not certain. Once again, frickin' LOVE this song!
3. How this song rates on the T-clog scale of likeability. How to Know God
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3. Very relaxing bongos(?) being played in the background. The English accent is always nice and calming when the person speaking it is not killing you. I appreciate the wise words of that inwhich she speaks. What's on pages 129 and 131?
4. How this song rates on the T-clog scale of likeability. Wah-Wah
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4. This song rocks much more than some of the others on this collection. The tempo is stronger and it fits in well with the Wah-Wahs as they are stretched out. I find it to be an interesting component. The drums are soft, but they are noticable. I would like to hear them beating a bit stronger and louder until the Wah-Wahs. It would give the illusion of throwing a tantrum. Did I hear sheet metal being waved in the background?
I find myself turning this song up loud in the monster truck while driving to work. I must be thinking about kids and their Wah-Wahs. I don't want to hear your Wah-Wahs, but King George can sing it whenever he wants. Good song choice Gibbs!
5. How this song rates on the T-clog scale of likeability. Pisces Fish
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
5. Love this song! "Canadian geese crapping along the bank" is a great and hilarious line. "The chain is wrapped around the crank" and "Mad cows being burned" are also very interesting lines.
I find that the chorus is one of the most captivating components to this song. I can't help but to sing along with ole George. The river runs through my soul too brother. Great pick!
6. How this song rates on the T-clog scale of likeability. Party Seacombe
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
6. Not sold on this pick. I appreciate it, but it really leaves me flat. I keep waiting for good ole George to start singing. There are some good and groovy instruments that stand out. One being the tamborine. I remember the white tamborine that Timedidyankus had vividly. It is a fine and important instrument. In the words of Randy Jackson from American Idol, "It was just alright for me dog."
7. How this song rates on the T-clog scale of likeability. All Things Must Pass
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
7. This is a nice treat to stumble upon. It is a somber and mello song. We all learn, grow, move, and impact the world around us. If we are to do good in this life we have to change. Status quo is unacceptible. All things do pass, and if we think about it hard enough, we know that it is truly for the better. Our friendships have been able to adapt and remain great because we all understand this simple truth.
I like the gentle beat and the rather slow tempo of this song. I notice a fabulous old electric slide at about the 2:10 mark. A very Every Which Way But Loose sound dancing it's way across the air waves. Love IT! I hear it again at about the 3:26 mark. "Right turn Clide!"
8. How this song rates on the T-clog scale of likeability. George on Ringo
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
8. What a great interview pulled out from his ass. This is flippin' hilarous. "Why shouldn't the Ringo do it?" What the hell is that? Funny and brilliant addition MT. Country and western tune??????? I would buy any country and western album that George would cut. I really dig the record scratch attempt at the ending too.
9. How this song rates on the T-clog scale of likeability. When We Was Fab
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
9. Great song! This is the only song that I heard before this album was sent out. I have always liked it and I still do. It is a wonderful pop tune that just gives the listener pure pleasure. I think that it is one of his most popular tunes and it did alright as I recall here in the US.
"Long time ago when we was fab" rings out to me. I cherish the thought of being fab. I strive to be fab to those around me. When I look back at all of the fab times in my life they overflow my mind. They all rush towards me at once. I reach down in the steady stream of fab moments and pull up countless memories. I hope to add many more years to that stream so that it one day becomes an overflowing river of fabness.
10. How this song rates on the T-clog scale of likeability. Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
10. The Hawaiian mini guitar (ukala) is wonderful! Initially, I thought that this song would get a 6, but the more I listened to it the more I liked it. At about the 1:36 mark the piano goes wild. Love it man! The lyrics are very good and also very fun. "...I wanna cross you off my list, but when you come knock'in at my door fate seems to give my heart a twist.." Great work George on taking an old ice cream parlor sound and giving it an update.
I want to mention that tubba at the 2:19 mark was a fab addition.
11. How this song rates on the T-clog scale of likeability. On the Bed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11. Very nice instrumental song. I dig all of the instruments. Does anyone else think of Crocodile Dundee when they hear this? I know Party Seacombe was not high on my list because it was all instrumental, but this one has a different reaction inside of me. I like it a great deal. It sounds to me to be more aboriginal, earthy, and solid.
12. How this song rates on the T-clog scale of likeability. Isn't it a Pity
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
12. A very slow and gentle song to wrap up the album. I guess that this is like the moonlight at the Black Hawk Rollerdrome. Thanks Gibbs for asking me to go with you on this exciting musical date!
This song really doesn't stand out for me. It is a fine song, but I won't be skipping ahead to hear it. However, it does allow you to reflect back upon the album and to remember the many great picks that this album has to offer. A nice long goodbye was in order.
Great collection of George songs Gibbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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