Monday, May 01, 2006

Put Me Squarely in the Other Camp

I don't like Gibbons' idea of skipping a month. We're either the "one CD a month club till the Rapture" or we're not. I've tried to stay a bit above and beyond the "shit or get off the motherfucking pot" controversy, but I have a feeling that this movement to get to different months has more to do with CD creation/review fatigue than getting us on a different schedule.

I, for one, already wish I didn't have to wait six months between releasing a collection. The last thing I want is to extend that wait. Why can't we just keep on going like we're going? Why the need for the shakeup?


Blogger Pat said...

My reasoning for the shakeup has nothing to do with fatigue, instead it is based on the idea that the time of year could influence the selections offered by any one of us, and not having Poignant Santa Volumes 2-5 (no offense meant to the quality of PS) would be good for the endeavor.

I could put out a collection a month if pressed, though that might lead to a lowering of already questionable quality.

12:48 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

Already questionable quality? What are you saying?

I think Gibbs was the only one of us so far that had an intentional seasonally-influenced collection. There's no need for anyone to do that, unless they feel compelled.

2:51 PM  
Blogger Pat said...

My 'already questionable quality' was a joke based on the tepid response to Sufian Stevens.

Right, but it'd pretty retarded for TC to create a Christmas album in July, and no one other than MT has December, or will ever have December if we don't shake it up.

2:55 PM  
Blogger C.F. Bear said...

Great! There goes Christmas in July!

4:23 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

Who wants December? I don't want December! How bout we just do your idea and shuffle?

11:17 PM  
Blogger Aaron said...

No fatigue here either. Well, not CMC fatigue anyway. I agree with Pat's thoughts on time of year, although I wouldn't be opposed to not making any changes.

In defense of MT's idea, over seven years we each would end up putting out 13 volumes, instead of 14. Dan seems to be the only one of us overflowing with a backlog of potential themes. I would suggest going with MT's plan, and if Dan would like to pick up the "off month" all the better.

9:05 AM  
Blogger C.F. Bear said...

I am not for skipping a month. I thought about for awhile now and I intially thought that Gibbs idea was sound. I am okay with Dan taking up that skipped month if he wants to.

However, I think that a form to fill out would be better and easier than just making comments. If someone where to create a form that gave the review an opportunity rate from 1-10 on newness, lyrics, likeability, instrument use, sound (music), and whatever. I am not one to dictate the criteria. There could be a place for comments for those that want to write comments. I believe that this would speed up feedback from all participants. You could even rank the album as a whole from 1-10. I think that you get the idea anyway. What do you think about that?

12:24 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

Boy-that sounds like the kind of idea I'd come up with. Right down to the fact that it's one that everyone hates.

I kind of like the "ranking" thing, but I think we have too many unbridled spirits in the club that wouldn't want to formalize their prosey sort of comments. And, as we've discussed, a lot of people don't listen for the same things in music. However, it would be interesting to force people to extract certain things from songs that they're not accustomed to digging around for...

4:33 PM  
Blogger Pat said...

I'm ok with the idea of it being partially (minimally) a multiple choice test, but there needs to be a long essay question at the end.

6:00 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

Kind of like rating beer on

8:50 AM  

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