I Hear Your Shadow, thus Spring is Here!
Havalena: What a great and fun song. I really enjoy the high pitched havalina fallsetos(?) throughout the song. It is a magical song that is attempting to hypnotize me. I think of New Mexico and Arizona when I hear this song. I lived in New Mexico for three summers from 1991-1993. Wonderful environments and culture. I have never been to southern California, but I would like to one day. My favorite lines in the song are....Walking in the breeze on the plains of old Segona...Arizona...Among the trees...Havalina.
I Don't Know: Flippin love the laughing at the beginning. This was not my favorite song on the albumn. Sounds a little too much like a dirty garage band playing for the first time at Cattle Congress. Some interesting horns in the song made it alright for me. I also liked the I don't knows after the lead singer's questions.
Way Down Now: I like this song a lot. The parts that I like the most are the lyrics and the flow of the song. The whoo whoo's are a nice touch as well. From your comments I learned that you use to work of the technology resource department. At ISU, I did the same thing. I cleaned equipment, checked equipment out, video taped conferences, lectures, guest speakers on campus, and reviewed tapes for damage. I never had anything to do with fiber optic cables thank goodness. I didn't like that job becasue I had to be there early in the morning. To avoid a gruff comment from Dan, I will say that it was not as early as when he had to get up to operate the chyron machine at WHO-TV.
Futterman's Rule: Flavor FLAVVVVVVVVVVVVVV!!!! I never got into rap and I usually despise it. It makes my skin crawl. I like a lot of different types of music, but rap is one avenue I stay away from. I guess, to me, it is not music but just a bunch of words set to a rediculous beat. With that said, the Beastie boys are not your typical rap group. I am not a hatter, but I am not a fan either. This song has a very urban sound which fits the Beastie Boys to tee. The funky guitar works for me. The heavy instrumental is another factor that works for me. Of all the Beastie Boy songs that I ahve heard in my life, which is not much, this is the best one. I am glad that you put this on your album. I appreciate being exposed to this song and group again. This is one of those moments that stand out because it is what the CMC was designed to do. I ahve been exposed to something good and new. Thanks Steve!
Pool: Really enjoy this song. I am glad to hear someone else adding a non-English song to their album. It is peaceful and relaxing. The title of the song makes me think of the Monkee's album titled "Pool It".
On Earth: Another wonderful pick Steve. Love the Sarah lines. Probably because my wife's name is Sarah. The singer has a wonderful voice that carries you to the edge of your bed so that you can enjoy her voice as you fall into a transentental state of mind. The background singers are also an aspect that helps give this song it's power of suduction. One of my favorites on this album.
I See Monsters: Probably my favorite song on the album. The lyrics and the melody is fantastic. This is just an all arounf good song. Ferris Wheel exploding paints a violent and exciting picture in my head. Good Lord, how does a Ferris Wheel explode? The kicker that gets too me is But oh, oh but when she calls I know she's the one. Also love the acoustic guitar in this song. Great one Steve. I too see monsters, but they are mostly not in my dreams.
Automatic Stop: The guitar section does indeed rock brother. Some very good instrument playing. The vocal track is distorted a bit. I don't understand their reasoning for making the vocal track sound like bad tape. What ever trips your trigger Stokes. This song is enjoyable and one that I look forward to when I listen to this album.
Shadows: A descent song to listen to while working on other things. It didn't grab me, but it was not bad at all. It fits nicely into the mix of this album. Sometimes songs just feel nice without being ground breaking moments in time. I have enjoyed this album as a whole and I will continue to enjoy it.
Cleaning Windows: This song has a blues feel. I am enjoying blues more and more these days. I am not listening to any one musician, but I am becoming more interested in that form of music. The part about when he mentions Muddy Waters. Fun and enjoyable song. You started off on the right note Steve. A fine album from someone who resides in Iowa City. :)
Final Comments: I am trying a quick and easy format to responding to a member's album. We are all feeling the burn to respond and to make comments. Even if there are those out there who might not agree that they are stressed to produce comments of gold, the stress is there. I am going to make the effort to respond before I get the next album each time. My comments will propably not be platinum or gold, as is the standard, but they will at least be bronzed. I feel that it is important to give some type of feedback to the creator of the album. Quick and easy equals little to zero stress for me. Even if the album sucks, it deserves comments in a reasonable time. I just want to be respectfull to the one who puts in so much time creating these albums. Peace Out!
I need not extensive comments, just thoughts or ideas or just acknowledgements. Thanks so much!
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