Three Trolls - Response to da Cory Comments
As stated in da Dan comments, I was surprised at how high Three Trolls scored in Cory's system.
I figured JR would wet his pants a bit.
LFZ - you must have meant Wall Street at night, at least, right?
Snowman - I like your bit about his jaws working as a snakes, how awful to witness him swallowing an old lady whole in the market.
GC - I think everyone got it about his 'everyday topics' even Dan and his Brad Roberts mention seems to grasp a bit of JRs MO. I agree with your assessment about the vocals coming in at the end, a very VU like technique that enhances the song, building it up for a nice ending.
JC - not the Jew, but the Welshman...Glad you like JC.
Fear - so funny. Not "Safe is a man's best friend" but "Say Fear is a Man's Best Friend" I can see how that would be VERY confusing. I can see the Rocky Horror Show connection now that you mention it. Must be the time period, at least in terms of a particular production.
Char - I love this line from you, "I like the lyrics a lot. I feel there is a lot of meaning behind them." A CMC classic.
Paris 1919 - I feel your Beatles vibe in this one. No one has cared to join me on any Holy Grail possibilities with this one? Speaking of which. If there should be another adventure...a la Escalante (by the way, instead of Cory Levendusky, how about Cory Escalante!)in however many years, imagine the huge amounts of fun we could have if we launched.. our very own... search for The Holy Grail....
Sistahs of Mercy - set back on your chair for a minute or two - love it! was there slobber! And Fisher Price toys - hilarious! I could just see the studio, having hired the best Fisher Price toy shaker they could find,..."and I want fresh water, two pre-opened packs of Marlboro reds, and a ceramic tub of saffron"
Thank you for the comments. I am really glad that you found so much joy in Three Trolls.
Hilarious response to the comments. I assume these were sent by courier as well.
You tell us where to have our next adventure, and by god, that's where we'll go. We'll report back.
I did not send by courier. He will see them soon.
I will begin thinking of the location.
Loved IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love YOU!!!!!!!!!!!toooooooooo :)
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