Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Three Trolls - Response to da Dan comments

I'll begin by offering the following comparisons to the other Troll responses so far. For fun. Mixdorf, Dan, and Cory (Aaron's still to come). I did not guess that Mixdorf would not have liked JC, but I am not surprised, the lyric thing comes up occasionally for some artists and it is hard to tell which lyrics will make sense to Mixdorf and which ones will not. I did figure that he would not have liked the end of 'Fear'. I was pleasantly surprised at how much he likes JR and tickled to tears at his choosing of 'The Guests' by LC as a tie for his BS. Amazing! I was pleasantly surprised at how much Cory liked all three artists, I figured he would have loved JR, but thought that maybe he would not have liked JC as much as he indicated.

But on to Dan, since after all, this is a response to his comments.

I thought you would have liked JR a bit more than indicated. I thought you may have appreciated the approach JR took to song writing in general, a zeal and spontaneous approach which I have sometimes seen in yourself. Sounds like you like LFZ alright and bored with Snowman and appreciate the humor of GC. I am not sure what you mean by missing some of the lyrics concerning 'ledger'. If you are referring to the lyrics I posted, they were placed there as a reference, they are not authorized, or obviously correct - I placed them with some attitude and I apologize if it has confused thee.

Also, I did make mention of the 'I Think We're Alone Now' connection in my original comments, but thanks.


JR is my favorite of the Three Trolls, and I'll say it here because of Dan's comments. I am glad you like him and I would be more than happy to further discuss his trollness.

Not only did I think you were clear, I loved your bit: "Who's to say whose interpretation of great works and events is right or wrong, particularly if such topics are used as inspiration for a completely new work" Perfect. No absolutes.

Fear is my second favorite song on this collection - I love your take on "Say." Very funny. As is Cory's lovely misinterpretation of the very same word. But yes, "Say it bastard! Say it!!" Like Picard and the Cardassian. "Fear is a Man's Best Friend!" Ooh that naked Picard butt spilling milky white all over that floor!

On Char, glad you dig the harmony, and the piano and bass and drums reminds me a bit of an arrangement that you might have written.

Paris 1919 - my favorite on the collection, and possibly yours as well. I think bird, but will listen to it as a spaceship the next time I have a listen.


I am still sorting out LC, so much LC, I really tried to keep a certain cohesive feel to the three chosen for 3 Trolls. Your Troubadour comparison makes pretty good sense for these three songs. I do not understand the Carl Kassell reference.

On The Guests, 'the fluidity of life' comes from 'Life is Fluid' a statement that Mixdorf said to me a while back. It had a profound effect on me. Something that I love and cannot shake. I've said it here. And there it is. An interesting example of such fluidity. The comments and comments about comments on this here song suggesting a proof to such a statement.

I am glad you enjoyed Three Trolls. It makes for interesting comments and comparisons. Who is going to like who? Who will dislike who? Who will be turned on? Off? Will anybody know some of the songs? Will anybody share some of the same feelings? The answer to that - YES. I've been able to relate to everyone so far on at least some of the songs. And that is cool.

The Trolls shift position and possibly grumble, but secretly, there hearts are warmed.


Blogger Dan said...

Listen here for samples of Carl Kassell's voice: http://www.npr.org/programs/waitwait/features/messages.html

11:24 AM  
Blogger Pat said...

What was I thinking, life is fluid?

Life is a gas man!

Actually, I have no recollection of me saying that life is fluid. It certainly is, but I wonder why I said that. I'm glad it affected you, and sad that I don't know where it comes from.

11:29 AM  
Blogger Dan said...

You have the gift of saying things that stick with people. Better watch what you say.

4:55 PM  
Blogger Pat said...

So much pressure.

4:57 PM  

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