Minnesota Connections: Dan's General Thoughts
I like this idea by Pat so much, I offer now my own pre-song-breakdown reflections.
Aaron has definitely been supportive of the local music scene; something at which I (especially as a local musician) have been very poor. Knowing Aaron somewhat better, I am aware of his alt-country/americana/rockabilly leanings, and would have predicted Accident Clearinghouse, Mike Brady, Ryan Adams, and Kid Dakota to make appearances. I also would have thought he would have included The Jayhawks, but it looks like he's going more in the direction of "that which we haven't heard before." I definitely dig the style that is pervasive in the collection, but do not feel that a collection would have suffered with a little more stylistic variety (a Funk selection, a Hard Rock selection, etc.). Perhaps the title "Minnesota Connections" gave me the idea it would be more of the "pick a mix" type, showcasing the various different genres that are present in the Minnesota music scene-ones with which I am less familiar with than the ones on the disc . But, as I said, I do generally like the style so I have been enjoying my listens so far.
Interesting, one other thing: Mixdorf mentioned in an email that he's been playing around in iTunes, ordering various groups of songs for future collections. I bet there's not a one of us that doesn't have at least two or three future collections in the top of the hopper. We all wish we could just release double-albums or get a turn more than once every five months, but it is that very passion about the music that is the lifeblood of the CMC.
(for my part, I have four that I am relatively excited about, and another two that are so controversial that they could get me kicked out of the club).
That last sounds like pot-stirrin' gobbledygook to me.
Unless one of your collections borrows heavily from the solo work of Yoko Ono, you'd be har pressed to get kicked out. You might get the mother-of-all verbal ass kickins, but we may all experience that.
I wield the pot-stirring spoon as Hakudo did the sword, or Barbusse, the pen.
Or indeed TClog, the shrimp fork, or plunger.
And you, the architecture implements.
Good Lord, I can't believe no one ever said it before. We're in a Musical Coalescence with T-Clog and T-Square.
For good reason.
While C's days of T-Cloggin' continue, my days of T-squarin' are long past.
I will have to say, that it will take me until my next turn to get a collection together that you may want to listen to more than once. I fear getting the boot!
What, are you going to give us 10 remixes of "Put Me In Coach (I'm Ready to Play)?"
We may have 'the boot' permanently, surgically embedded in your ass.
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