Monday, November 21, 2005

Minnesota Connections: Dan's General Thoughts

I like this idea by Pat so much, I offer now my own pre-song-breakdown reflections.

Aaron has definitely been supportive of the local music scene; something at which I (especially as a local musician) have been very poor. Knowing Aaron somewhat better, I am aware of his alt-country/americana/rockabilly leanings, and would have predicted Accident Clearinghouse, Mike Brady, Ryan Adams, and Kid Dakota to make appearances. I also would have thought he would have included The Jayhawks, but it looks like he's going more in the direction of "that which we haven't heard before." I definitely dig the style that is pervasive in the collection, but do not feel that a collection would have suffered with a little more stylistic variety (a Funk selection, a Hard Rock selection, etc.). Perhaps the title "Minnesota Connections" gave me the idea it would be more of the "pick a mix" type, showcasing the various different genres that are present in the Minnesota music scene-ones with which I am less familiar with than the ones on the disc . But, as I said, I do generally like the style so I have been enjoying my listens so far.

Interesting, one other thing: Mixdorf mentioned in an email that he's been playing around in iTunes, ordering various groups of songs for future collections. I bet there's not a one of us that doesn't have at least two or three future collections in the top of the hopper. We all wish we could just release double-albums or get a turn more than once every five months, but it is that very passion about the music that is the lifeblood of the CMC.

(for my part, I have four that I am relatively excited about, and another two that are so controversial that they could get me kicked out of the club).


Blogger Pat said...

That last sounds like pot-stirrin' gobbledygook to me.

Unless one of your collections borrows heavily from the solo work of Yoko Ono, you'd be har pressed to get kicked out. You might get the mother-of-all verbal ass kickins, but we may all experience that.

3:20 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

I wield the pot-stirring spoon as Hakudo did the sword, or Barbusse, the pen.

3:48 PM  
Blogger Pat said...

Or indeed TClog, the shrimp fork, or plunger.

3:50 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

And you, the architecture implements.

Good Lord, I can't believe no one ever said it before. We're in a Musical Coalescence with T-Clog and T-Square.

1:51 AM  
Blogger Pat said...

For good reason.

While C's days of T-Cloggin' continue, my days of T-squarin' are long past.

8:26 AM  
Blogger C.F. Bear said...

I will have to say, that it will take me until my next turn to get a collection together that you may want to listen to more than once. I fear getting the boot!

3:59 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

What, are you going to give us 10 remixes of "Put Me In Coach (I'm Ready to Play)?"

2:26 PM  
Blogger Pat said...

We may have 'the boot' permanently, surgically embedded in your ass.

2:30 PM  

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